Thursday, November 26, 2015

Hello Fellow Reefers it is that time of year again for the annual Black Friday Sales! Here is a preview with more to come!

10% on all Coralvue Products. 11/27/2015 though 11/30/2015.

Discount is good on all products under the Coralvue umbrella.

Check it out by clicking here!

Neptune Systems Black Friday deals at Vaquatics!

Neptune Systems Black Friday deals!

10% OFF use ‪#‎couponcode‬ NEPBF10

‪#‎BlackFriday‬ for Neptune items starts at 12:01am on 11/26 to 11:59 pm on 11/29.
Happy reefing!

Kessil's Annual Black Friday sale is on at Vaquatics!

Kessil's Annual Black Friday sale is on!
5 to 10% OFF Kessil LED Aquarium Lighting.
10% OFF LED Pendants and select accessories.
Use Coupon Code: KESBF2015
5% off Kessil AP700 LED hood.
Use Coupon Code: KESAP700
‪#‎BlackFriday‬ for Kessil items starts at 12:01am on 11/27 to 11:59 pm on 11/30.